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eat fresh tomatoes within three to five days, after which point they should be stored in the refrigerator to keep them from spoiling.C ooking chicken to the proper temperature is important. Recommended Times Recommendations are to cook chicken with bones for seven to ei ght hours on low and three to four hours on high. Boneless chicken takes less time to cook. The average weight of a chicken is 3 1/2 to 4 lbs., and the cooking time is based on this weight. Real World Cooking Chicken breast has very little bone, but this does slow the c free diet log template ooking process. Generally, boneless chicken breast cooks too fast and dries out in a crock pot using recommended times. Chicken needs t o be cooked to a particular temperature, so key elements to crock pot chicken breast are adding ingredients such as soup to maintain mo boots miniature aftershaves isture and reducing the recommended cooking times. Bottom Line Chicken should always be cooked to a specific temperature; for chicken b .

d to an internal temperature of 145 degrees Fahrenheit, consumers are at risk of developing a bacterial infection that can cause fever, vomiting, and diarrhea. Two common types of bacteria found in lobster are Vibrio parahaemolyticus and Vibrio vulnificus. Symptoms from this infection typically develop within 24 hours of eating undercooked lobster. In some cases bacterial infections like this can be se rious, even fatal. This is particularly true for individuals with compromised immune systems and pregnant women. Parasitic Infection Wh 3d model viewer download en lobster is undercooked, consumers also risk developing a parasitic infection. The two most common types include roundworms and tapew orms. These infections can cause many health complications including nutritional deficiency and weight loss. Symptoms of a parasitic in boots miniature aftershaves fection may include anemia, constipation, diarrhea, fatigue, bloating, gas, and anal itching. Hepatitis Infection Hepatitis infection c .

ood. Toxic Algae Certain types of algae that build up in the tissue of lobster and other shellfish can be toxic to humans. When you con sume lobster that has toxic levels of these algae you can become sick as a result. Illness from toxic algae can cause fever, diarrhea, vomiting, and neurological complications.Evaporated Milk Has a Long Shelf Life. Evaporated milk serves as a cooking alternative to regu lar milk in some recipes. Cans of unopened evaporated milk, which has about half of the water found in regular milk, have a much longer halo 3 3d models shelf life than their water-containing counterparts. Because of this, you might assume that this extra long shelf life applies even af ter the can has been opened. An Open Container Makes It More Perishable. Opening the can will expose the milk to the air. When the cont boots miniature aftershaves ainer is opened, the seal is broken, and air reaches the product rendering the long shelf life useless. Now, exposed to the air, the ev .

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